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Batman: Ein Tod in der Familie

  • "A Death in the Family" is a Batman comic book story arc first published in the late 1980s which gave fans the ability to influence the story through voting with a 900 number. "A Death in the Family" ran in Batman #426-429, published in 1988-1989. The story was credited to Jim Starlin (script), Jim Aparo (pencil), Mike DeCarlo (ink), Adrienne Roy (color), and John Costanza (lettering). Covers were illustrated by Mike Mignola. The story is also collected as a trade paperback under the title Batman: A Death in the Family, which has gone through multiple printings and is still available today.
  • Trotz geringer Mängel im Plot ist Ein Tod in der Familie ein Meilenstein in der Entwicklung von Batman. Das Paperback versprüht den historischen Charme alter Superheldengeschichten und gehört in jede gut sortierte Batman-Sammlung. (splashcomics.de)

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  • Deutschland: DAX